
So, now we have come to the end of my journey here. I must say I really enjoyed blogging my love of Apple, but I vouch that I am not a fanatic though. I really appreciate how a product can be so simple and stylish at the same time. Like what I am doing now,… Continue reading Conclusion

The parts and parcel of Apple, the lone rangers that are (not) forgotten

Today, we talk about the rest of the Apple products, giving them some light to what they have become, and how they impacted different people’s lives. We will be focusing on 2 different products here, all on their own league of specialities, giving light to how impactful and worthy they are. First, we shall start… Continue reading The parts and parcel of Apple, the lone rangers that are (not) forgotten


The game does not only dive into the phone and tablet market, Apple also specializes in Macbook and iMacs as well, which are laptops and computers respectively. iMac was the first desktop by Apple. Firstly, it was introduced as Macintosh. Steve Jobs introduced this while this key line, “Soon, there will be two types of… Continue reading Macbook


Like what I talked about previously, we will be shifting our focus onto it’s older sibling, the iPad. Let’s talk a bit about the history of the iPad. It came out in 2010. Its announcement was special as it made Apple do an additional presentation of the Keynote, with Steve Jobs announcing the product! Steve… Continue reading iPad


iOS is home to Apple. iOS (formerly iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. exclusively for its hardware. It is the operating system that presently powers many of the company’s mobile devices, including the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. The iOS is for the iPhone what Windows is to PCs… Continue reading iOS


The iPhone, oh the glorious iPhone. This is something that most Singaporeans are using, or rather, a phone that most of the people around the globe are using. But let’s delve into its rich history and why it became an essential phone to everyone. Evolution of the iPhone It was first a thought of the… Continue reading iPhone

App Store

Welcome back! Today we will be talking about the App Store, another component where one gets to be their own creator, and let others share and enjoy your creation! Old App Store Logo (credit) New App Store Logo (credits) This is a platform where tech-savvy geeks come alive. They have the freedom to develop an application… Continue reading App Store