
So, now we have come to the end of my journey here.

I must say I really enjoyed blogging my love of Apple, but I vouch that I am not a fanatic though. I really appreciate how a product can be so simple and stylish at the same time.

Like what I am doing now, I am using my MacBook to type this final post while my iPhone is ringing from all the text messages I am getting. I think it is safe to say that Apple has become one of the most influential company in the world. They have good marketing strategy and good business to customer relationship. This creates a sense of trust between consumers and the company. Just by looking over my table, there is an iPod, old iPhone, iPad and iMac around me, so I can safely say that my soul has been brought over by the Apple devils.

Apple has brought the future into the current times, and it is looking further into the future giving us an awesome feeling when we get their new products. Additionally, everyone around the world will have the similar feeling of waiting constantly for the next Keynote. Cause once you know a Keynote is around the corner, there will be something special coming out, which means we have to start saving our money!

I think it is safe to say that regardless which walks of life we come from, Apple has changed our lives, our world. The progress of the improvement of technology shown by Apple shows that there is a huge change in the world, since I was born in 1994 till today, 2017. There was no access to internet on the phone to the EASY access to internet at our fingertips today.

I hope you guys really appreciate my personal knowledge to whatever Apple products there is. I might not be as good as the Apple store assistance, but I do read over the years and get information here and there from reading the newspaper or watching Keynotes. It really let me see what the future has instored for us, which can be frightening but very exciting at the same time. Although Steve Jobs have left us, we have to look over the horizon to know that Apple will not go far from where it started and that change is necessary!

Blogging has really be a wonderful thing to do, so I am thankful that I get to inpart whatever I know to you guys! Some of the information might not be applicable or true to the fullest, but hey, people makes mistakes and we learn from them right. I hope Apple continues to be the giant that they are and I cannot wait to get impressed by them in the next year where the next milestone starts for them. But I do hope that you at least learn something from my post, even if it is not IT related.

Till we die, this logo will forever remain an iconic part of our lives, anywhere and everywhere.

Image result for apple logo

So till next time we meet again in another dimension!


4 thoughts on “Conclusion

  1. i have the byebye gif on my blog too!!! hahahahah. but Apple did bring a lot of convenience to its users, notably, the airdrop function. I remember being at a gathering and to send the pictures to Apple users is so convenient! all you have to do is to turn on airdrop, and viola! you have the pictures in your phone, without compromising the quality!


  2. Thanks for your posts on Apple and their various products, it helped me learn more about their stuff, which I didn’t know much about because I don’t own many of them HAHA


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