iOS is home to Apple. iOS (formerly iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. exclusively for its hardware. It is the operating system that presently powers many of the company’s mobile devices, including the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. The iOS is for the iPhone what Windows is to PCs or Mac OS X is to Macs. For the post today, I will be walking you through the whole 11 iOS updates, giving you in

So, in 2007, with the release of the iPhone, iOS 1 (iPhone OS 1) was released. Initially, it was referred to it as the iPhone OS. The name shifted to iOS after a few minor updates. It is hard to tell non-iPhone users why this is such an important milestone for Apple. iOS supported functions like the touchscreen, iTunes integration and many more. While it was a major breakthrough at the time, it stilled lacked many of the features that would come to be closely associated with the iPhone in the future, which was slowly found and released in the next version.

Alongside the release of iPhone 3G, iOS 2 (iPhone OS 2) came out with it to support the internet functionality. The most prominant feature would be the access to third party creators to upload their content into the app store, allowing them to be profiters. The App Store acts like a utility model, where you pay as you go. Another feature would be the improved location GPS setting, giving updated road tracks during the span of the support.

iOS 3 (iPhone OS 3) was huge as it saw the ability to support video recording and the legendary copy and paste function. This was in 2009 where video messaging was considered a phenomenon where it is called Multimedia Messaging Services (MMS). People also get to get a taste of their word document skills in their fingertips as copying and pasting messages from one place to the other was made available, giving users the chance to craft a message in their notes application before transfering to the messaging application, preventing any missending of the message.

The next iOS 4 was a huge leap into the technological world. Facetime, personal hotspot and multitasking were the main few in this support. However, the main highlight was the confirmation of switch from iPhone OS to iOS, which came with a price that it started supporting versions of the earlier iPhone. From this iOS onwards, it prevented it support to help to original iPhone and there were functions that was not compartable, like the Facetime function due to the lack of the front camera.

The cloud was introduced during the launch of iOS 5. Apple came up with it’s own storage device, allowing people to keep information on the cloud, giving them space to store new things on the phone. The theme for this support was generally wireless connectivity as iTunes syncing was allowed through wi-fi as well. iMessage was also introduce, providing users to send messages through data instead of instant messaging. Another debut would be the drag down notification center where you get the latest updates of what you missed while you were away.

A friend we all know was borned in this iOS 6 pushover, her name is SIRI! However, this version saw an increased competition from rival companies, where Android smartphone platform was posing a threat to the iPhone, Google had supplied the Maps and YouTube apps pre-installed with the iPhone since 1.0. In iOS 6, that changed where YouTube gained access to become an third party creator while Apple created Apple Maps. However, more controversary arised when the maps was full of glitches and there was miscalculation of location and inaccuracy of one’s whereabouts. We have to take note that  it was Tim Cooks’ first iOS released and it saw a decline in where the company was heading as there was so much negativity when the iOS version came out.

However, it took a turn when iOS 7 came out, providing users with the fixation of the glitches. But to many it was still a frustrating thing because of the direction of where Apple was heading. The change of the interface caused an uproar in the Apple iPhone community, where many was expressing dissatisfaction on how different it was as compared to the original face. It was a drastic change wherein the society, change is neccessary but it was too sudden. The more modernistic look was because there was a new head of iOS development after the firing over the previous one due to the glitches, so there is a different artistic direction being put upon the growth of the iOS. Some arising problems was that wording size was smaller than the previous versions, and some animations caused epilepsy-like dizziness to some users, which reflected how the change of Apple was problematic. But with the constant updates (the most for any iOS with 11 updates!), users got used to the change and the commotion died with time.

iOS 8 was a huge risk after 2 disappointed iOS versions, but it delivered with major features available! Apple Music and Apple Pay were introduced, where Apple continues to lock their trademark among their company, putting them as one of the companies that runs the system within the company, prevent any third party to be on par with them. There were continued improvements to the iCloud too, with the addition of the Dropbox-like iClould Drive, iCloud Photo Library, and iCloud Music Library. This gave users a sense of release after two terrible release, giving them a clearer picture of where Apple is heading towards in the coming years.

Eyes were on the foundation of the iOS 9 at this stage, where people are questioning the stability of the iOS, and it might be crumbling from the strong performer it once was. Thus, this whole version was to tweak any bugs found with the latest system software and providing a stronger base to support the upcoming releases. It was one that was quiet and the strengthening our of features on the iPhone shows that it was working. It then shifted focus on more major release in the next iOS.

iOS 10 came back with a soft launch, allowing users to customize their phone in whichever way they want. This would mean that users FINALLY get the chance to delete those pre-installed applications that one might deem useless and they get to free up some memory space. This version was to let users play with the features before iOS 11 comes in with a bang, alongside the celebratory milestone achievement of 10 years of iPhone.

For their 10th year anniversary, iOS 11 came to us with many new features, some including Augmented Reality installed in the phone, face recognition for phone unlocking. One of the main aims was designed to make the iOS running on iPad a lot more like a desktop operating system, giving the portable tablet features that a laptop might consist of!

iOS 11

iOS 11 features

For me, I am someone who tries to play with new things, so whenever there is a prompt for me to upgrade to the next iOS, I would be one of the few that install it. Regrets were made during the transition period but look where are we now, everyone is amazed by what the futuristic look looks like. I got to say that I am really impressed in what Apple is constantly improving, to me it might seem like there is nothing much to improved but they are always leaving users in surprised moments, which I truly enjoy such surprised at times cause my life is too mundane at times.

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