iTunes and Apple Music

Moving on, we will enter the relms of the technological parts where we, as normal individual, can become creators!

First, we will start of with watching a video about to basis ways to use Apple Music, and the different fucntions and cool features they provide us with!

A little history about iTunes and Apple Music.

In late 2000, there was the introduction of iTunes. The gist about iTunes is to provide a platform where Apple users get to burn CDs back in the days where all the music would be stored under a system for easy access. It then became a point where music is only transferable to Apple phones and it became an exclusive platform for the Apple users.

iTunes was actually not iTunes at first, rather it was bought over by Apple! It was just a classic mp3 player that Jeff Robbin and Bill Kincaid came up with back in 1998, naming it SoundJam MP. The vision for them was to create a software to support mp3 files and to create digital audio players. It was initially doing fine, but it blew up after Apple bought the rights to use their software to build up the empire now called iTunes/Apple Music. The last release for SoundJam MP was in 2001.

Due to the release of such a platform, Apple is not ready to stop there. They continue to release iTunes Music Store, where one gets to purchase music online and do things more digitally. Since 2003 when they went into full gear, they grew in numbers and took over as the largest music vendor in 2010 for the entire world. This took long as it only entered the international market at the end of 2008, where e-business can be seen here. Currently, there are more than 40 million songs worldwide and it is still triumphant in the music digital service with the sales figure of 35 billion worldwide sales. They have been religiously adding new features yearly and the latest and biggest step so far is to go into the music streaming business, going up against music streaming giants, Spotify. Now Apple Music has 30 million paid subscribers under their name. Here is a video to show what Apple music is about!

Another commercial would be the Queen of streaming music uproar, Taylor Swift.

Basically, it is a streaming service which allows one to browse through the entire music catalog around the world, getting to understand different genres before purchasing music. This whole revolution was successful because of the ever-growing industry, where music is a universal language where everyone gets to enjoy and come together as one. In a short 2 years, it became the second largest streaming music-only provider and it just growing because of the branding support from Apple.

Image result for apple music logo

Apple Music Logo (credits)

To interest you more, they started adding television shows in 2017, releasing exclusive concert footages and bonus music where you cannot get it elsewhere. One main reason is due to iTunes being the sole provider where most of the music that is electronically purchased is being stored.

The success of this would mainly be because of the branding of Apple. It has been established that Apple would be a giant in helping the music industry grow, to reach out to the more technological driven crowd.

So let me tell you why I said that we can be creators! We get to create a specialized playlist with the help of Apple Music technologies. They have a group of curators that are constantly taking note of what you are listening to and they would suggest songs for you. This function is extremely cool as you get to

  • explore new talents
  • listen to new songs
  • breakout from your normal routine of the same songs

There are many factors that allow you to grow by listening to music. And another cool feature is that for unknown talents or underground artistes, they give you a special platform to boost you into the market. It amazes me what technology has advanced to and that they know the type of music I listen to and I might enjoy, making it a good “substitute” for a friend that knows a lot about music.

For me, I am currently a strong supporter for Apple Music and I do purchase music on iTunes as well. I truly deserve a song that someone worked hard for deserves recognition and that it show be paid for. I really enjoy using Apple music streaming services because I get to enjoy a wide range of selection and that I get to listen to songs that I might not even know of with the discover button. I have to admit, as an avid music listener, this streaming service has broadened my perspective of music and that I came to appreciate technology and the internet much more as it brings the community closer together.

So if you have yet to try this functions, go ahead and try it out and let me think what you enjoy about this!

2 thoughts on “iTunes and Apple Music

  1. Great context there! Thanks for the recommendation! I am now a huge fan of Apple Music and I have stopped using Spotify 🙂


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